Analog Devices - Part Numbers

ADG725BSUZ IC, 16, 32 Channel, Serially Controlled 4 Ohm 1.8V to 5.5V, 2.5V,Analog Multiplexers
ADG726BSUZ IC, 16, 32 Channel, 4, 1.8V to 5.5V and 2.5VAnalog Multiplexers
ADG731BSUZ IC, 16, 32 Channel, Serially Controlled 4 Ohm 1.8V to 5.5V, 2.5V,Analog Multiplexers
ADG732BSUZ IC, 16, 32 Channel, 4, 1.8V to 5.5V and 2.5VAnalog Multiplexers
ADM1062ASUZ IC, Super Sequencer withmArgining Control and Temperature Monitoring
ADM1063ASUZ IC, Multisupply Supervisor, Sequencer with Analog to Digital Converters and Temperature Monitoring
ADM1064ASUZ IC, Super Sequencer with Voltage ReadbackAnalog to Digital Converters
ADM1065ASUZ IC, Super Sequencer and Monitor
ADM1066ASUZ IC, Super Sequencer withmArgining Control andAuxiliaryAnalog to Digital Converters Inputs
ADM1067ASU IC, Super Sequencer with Open LoopmArgining Digital to Analog Converters
ADM1166ASUZ IC, Super Sequencer withmArgining Control and Nonvolatile Fault Recording

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